How to Get in touch


Subject Lead:
Harriet Alder

Governor Link:
Anna Bayman

First and foremost we want our children at Clapham to enjoy their maths lessons. We believe that if children are happy and engaged they will learn and thrive. It is of great importance that children develop a culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths and have a sound grasp of numerical concepts (the value of a number) before moving on, At Clapham we enable our children to explore and represent number in a variety of ways and promote the use of number across the curriculum.

Teachers provide the children with a wide range of opportunities to use maths and develop problem solving and reasoning skills through abstract challenges and investigative tasks. We encourage our children to develop a strong mathematical vocabulary and use talk as an effective tool for learning and understanding.

At Clapham we align our curriculum with White Rose Maths but also encourage the use of Maths Hub, NCETM and NRICH resources to develop a greater level of understanding and promote a mastery approach. Throughout the school teachers also regularly use anchor tasks to promote mathematical fluency and reasoning through questioning.

At Clapham we recognise the importance of children knowing their multiplication tables. Through knowing their times tables pupils will start to notice patterns and will then be able to apply this knowledge to more advanced work. Being able to recognise these connections will in turn speed up their thinking processes and mental arithmetic. We use Times Tables Rock Stars to help promote multiplication tables in a fun and engaging way. Teachers use TT Rock Stars to monitor progress and tailor learning to individual needs of the child.

Maths: Statement of Intent

It is our intent at Clapham Terrace Primary School that, by following a progressive curriculum that all children are able to access and be challenged by, every child feels confident, passionate and become enthusiastic mathematicians, regardless of their ability, prior experience or preconceptions.

At Clapham we aim to provide a high quality mathematics education with a mastery approach that has an emphasis on a deeper understanding, so that all children:

  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics
  • Reason mathematically
  • Can solve problems by applying their mathematics.

We intend to provide a broad and balanced curriculum that is tailored to the individual needs of our pupils. A curriculum that allows them to progress systematically and smoothly through the years, from EYFS to Year 6. Promoting critical thinking and questioning, that allows them to link mathematical skills across subjects and scenarios.

Click here to view to view the Times Tables Progression Document.

National Curriculum Mathematical Statements:


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

Useful links:



