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Sports Leaders

A select group of children from Years 5 & 6 assist the rest of the school during inter-house sporting events, sports day, The Great Clapham Run and other competitions.  They work closely with Mr Mason, our PE Leader, to improve the provision of sport across school.

Commando Joe’s

Move It!

Sports Leaders have received Move It! training from Jan Dossett.  With the help of Miss Sutton and Mr Mason, they have introduced new games to the playground. These games promote physical and mental well being, encourage social interaction, and give children opportunities to experience team work and leadership. The children’s current favourite game is the Crown Jewels.

Year 1 and the sports leaders had a blast participating in lots of fun active games and learning.


Sports Day

We have an annual sports morning at Edmonscote Athletics Track for Years 1 to 6, and a morning event for Early Years in the playground at Clapham Terrace.  Sports Leaders are key in the planning, organisation and running of these inter-house events.


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